Give Kids the World Village & Me


What is Give Kids the World Village?

In my own words, Give Kids the World Village (GKTW) is a resort where children on wish trips stay when visiting Orlando.  It’s a wonderful and magical place with everything a kid would want in a resort- nightly parties, yummy food, rides and even a castle!

Why Give Kids the World is Important to Me

During my Disney College Program, I loved working with children on wish trips.  I felt I connected with them & their families, adding magic to their day added magic to mine.  I wanted to continue that feeling by giving back to these amazing children & their families, so I decided to volunteer at the resort.  Every time I have the opportunity to spend a day at GKTW, I feel happy inside!

Why I Want to Give Back to Give Kids the World

A little over a year ago, my mom was diagnosed with cancer- since then, she has passed on and is no longer here with us in the physical world.  When she was sick, she wanted to have one last family vacation, but we never had the chance.  I want to make sure that all children have that opportunity to make memories with their families.