Have Courage & Be Kind

The Results Are In. . .

As a community, we have raised over $1,000 for Give Kids the World Village!  To say I am blown away by the support I have received would be an understatement.  The idea for this fundraiser came into my heart months ago and I just couldn’t get it out.  I loved the idea of a chance to come together and give back but I was nervous no one else would.  After months of planning and fearing the worst, I could not be happier that I took a risk.  

Have Courage,

This whole experience taught me to have the courage to go after what’s in my heart.  There were days when I convinced myself that this was the worlds’ worst idea.  That no one would be interested in giving and people would laugh at me for holding such a silly fundraiser.  I would fail and everyone would be able to see it.  Have you ever been there? You’re so excited about an idea, but the fear of judgement from others paralyzes you.

I reminded myself of how supportive this community is and of the mission of Give Kids the World.  Most of all, I reminded myself that having courage is not absent fear, but is when you push forward in spite of that fear to accomplish something bigger.  I have learned that in most cases, doing the thing that frightens you the most often pays off the most as well.

And Be Kind.

Your kindness has made all the difference in my life.  Your kindness is what this Disney community is all about.

I know that sometimes, it’s SO easy to get caught up in the negatives of this community. Maybe someone excluded you, and you feel left out.  Possibly your content is not performing the way you wish it would.  Or, you’re just tired of the drama you occasionally see on your feed.

Although it can feel daunting and harsh, it’s just one small negative in a sea of positivity.

Next time a moment like that arrises, think back to a moment like this.  When our community came together to do something and to make others people happy.  Think of the friends you have made and the kinds words, bright colors and Disney love you have seen shared.

Also, keep in mind that you were a part of this and you made a difference.  This community is about friendship and kindness, not comparison and followers.


Thank you!

From the bottom of my tiny heart, thank you for allowing me to achieve a goal of mine and to honor my momma.  The money we raised will be donated on our first birthday without her.  I could not think of a more wonderful way to celebrate her giving spirit.

Until the next adventure!


  1. Your drive to make this a welcoming and happy excperience in the community really means so much! You are a breath of fresh air and I’m so proud of you for blogging! Keep up the magic!

    1. You make me so happy! Thank you, Paris! I’m so lucky to call you a friend!

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