My Second Favorite Place on Earth

Alternative Title: The Second Most Magical Place on Earth

I love Trader Joe’s.  I know it’s kind of (super) weird to have such a love for a grocery store, but this is me, and I don’t think I’m alone in my strange obsession.  If you have a passion for food and trying new things and cooking, you’re either obsessed with Trader Joe’s or YOU WILL BE.

Trader Joe’s is a lot like Disney

Trader Joe’s is a lot like the Walt Disney Company.  I know it might seem like a stretch but in a recent Trader Joe’s podcast (listen to them, they’re amazing) the founder admitted that he was inspired by Adventureland when creating some of the aspects you see in the stores today!  How cool is that?  Both companies are also known for their unique culture and high-level guest service.

Did you know that at the popular grocery store chain, they will let you sample ANY product you want?  This way you can make sure you like it before purchase!  Plus, all of their crew members go out of their way to make your shopping trip more enjoyable.  They give out lollipops to kids, remember you from trip to trip and are always eager to chat or suggest a new product.

Lastly, both companies share an incredible attention to detail.  Trader Joe’s has local artists come into each shop and decorate it to fit each individual community.  This was my favorite art in my Trader Joe’s this past week!  (Mainly because I love movies and pizza)

My Happy Place

Sometimes it’s the little things that make us the happiest.  Every inch of Trader Joe’s is that, personified.  Each store has unique art and flowers and bright colors.  On a sunny, Sunday morning, there is nothing that brings me more joy than strolling through Trader Joe’s.  Finding new, creative and healthful foods for me, my family and friends and then heading home to cook something incredible.

When I’m feeling down, I know a stop at my neighborhood Trader Joe’s will brighten my day.  A few months ago, when my mom was still here in the physical world, I was sad one morning worrying about the future.  I cried in the car before heading to the store to get my shopping done for the week.  A crew member noticed I looked sad and went out of her way to make me feel better.

She chatted with me for a while, having no idea what was wrong, or what a major impact she was having on my day.  As I left, she found me and gave me flowers to bring home.  If I wasn’t a shopper for life before, this really got me.  You could not convince me that there is another grocery store chain in the world that would encourage their staff to do things like this for their customers.

A Few of My Favorite Things

Whether you’ve been to Trader Joe’s a million times, or if it’s your first time going, these are the things I think you should have in your cart.

A Staple in my Kitchen

The Organic Woodfired Sicilian Style Pizza is ALWAYS in my freezer! It comes with a spicy, pepper olive oil and it’s such a good staple for a night when you don’t feel like cooking!

Seasonal Goodies

Each season comes with new goodies at TJ’s. I grab these limited edition goodies while I can, because they go quickly!

Freezer Meals

I haven’t had one yet that I didn’t like, but the Indian food is authentic and flavorful, so it’s always a favorite!

Beauty Must-Have(s)

Coconut oil is good for everything- moisturizer for skin and hair, makeup removal and cooking too! TJ’s pioneered coconut oil before it was cool! Hear more about that story in their podcast!
Honestly, hate the smell, but love my skin after using this!

I wanna stuff some chocolate in my FACE!

This is the BEST chocolate milk syrup & it’s ORGANIC!
So sweet. So good. Plus they don’t have soy in them, which is really hard to find when it comes to chocolate!


If you like cornbread & you like chips, you will like these!
Just like Doritos, but better for you! I love these!
All of their trail mix is great! I eat it as a healthy snack and sometimes I even put it on top of salads or yogurt!

Spill the TEA!

I drink this organic green tea every day. It’s awesome hot and iced!

Around the World

The coolest part about Trader Joe’s is that they send employees around the world to find food to bring back to the stores. These Israeli snacks have a cult-following, so it’s really neat to see them on the shelves here in America!


This is my favorite part about Trader Joe’s- everything is GMO-free!  Their food is affordable and their ingredients are always the best of the best!

Overall, Trader Joe’s is a great place to shop.  They somehow create the products of your dreams, before you even knew you wanted them, plus, they treat everyone who walks through their doors with kindness and respect.  I hope this post inspires you to make a trip to your closest Trader Joe’s- and to share with me every goody you get!

Until the next adventure,
