This list encompasses all the best postpartum products that helped get me back on my feet after giving birth to my first baby!
Postpartum is an incredibly vulnerable time. Especially for new moms experiencing it all for the first time. When I was pregnant, I was nervous about so many of the unknowns that were ahead of me, but postpartum was what worried me the most. Not only would I have a brand new baby, but I also would be breastfeeding, pumping, and focusing on healing my body … all at the same time.
Now, six weeks postpartum, I have fallen into a great groove with my newborn, and my body feels healthy and strong. This collection of the best postpartum items felt important for me to share because, after nine months of research and preparation, these are the postpartum tools that truly made a difference in my journey.
Postpartum Recovery
My main worry when it came to my postpartum journey was my recovery. Whether a vaginal delivery or a c-section, it can be incredibly daunting for a first-time mom! For months, I researched and chatted with my girlfriends about the best tools for healing from a vaginal delivery – here are the products I attribute to helping me heal beautifully and comfortably – so I could focus on my new baby!
Frida Mom Women’s Postpartum Underwear – super comfortable, and made me feel like I had enough coverage to not need pants in the early days when I was recuperating in bed! They were thin enough that they were comfortable and felt great under clothes when needed as well. I wore quite a few different diapers and underwear, and for my needs, these fit best!

Rael Pads for Women, Organic Cotton Cover – the underwear from Frida is not to be confused with a diaper. They’re not absorbent, so they require an insert! I try to shop for organic feminine care products, so it was imperative to me that the products I used while healing postpartum were absorbent and clean. These pads protected my clothes and sheets from leaks.

Pain, Burn & Itch Relief Spray – I used a brand given to me by the hospital, but in my research, this spray might be even more effective than the one I used. No matter which brand you choose, I suggest selecting a spray that works for you. It helped me to find comfort when my stitches were uncomfortable during the healing process.

Frida Mom Upside Down Peri Bottle for Postpartum Care – this truly was 100x better than the regular peri bottle they provided in the hospital. The curved head allows you to fully clean yourself, which is important in postpartum recovery. Not only did I feel cleaner and refreshed, but I knew that my wound was being kept as clean as possible as well!
Frida Mom Belly Binder Postpartum Recovery – After I gave birth, this helped my body to feel more normal again. It provided support to my back and helped me to heal more quickly for sure.
Tools for Mom
I’ve been incredibly lucky in my journey with breastfeeding so far! Pumping has been a major important part of ensuring that my supply stays consistent and that I am comfortable and healthy! These are some of the tools that have helped me to stay comfy and healthy in my pumping journey!
Kindred Bravely Sublime Pumping Bra – I did not expect before I started breastfeeding that breastfeeding would mean I would need to wear a bra 24/7. As a mom who is nursing and pumping, this bra is incredible! With just a quick clip, you can easily go from pumping to nursing. Plus, there’s a large size range, and the bra provides comfortable support as well!

Momcozy Nipple Ruler – I’ve had a super experience with pumping! It all started with making sure that I correctly measured myself for flanges that fit properly. Having the correct size in mind made it easy to shop for flanges without much thought when I needed more. Plus, it ensured comfort while pumping as well.

Easy, Pumping Snacks
Hey, I am a foodie, after all! For me, having postpartum snacks that made me feel excited and helped with my breastmilk supply was super important.
BODYARMOR LYTE – this is my favorite flavor, but any flavor will do! I have been drinking BODYARMOR since I was pregnant to ensure that I was getting the electrolytes I needed. This kept me hydrated and aided me with muscle pain. Now, postpartum, I’m still drinking BODYARMOR to stay hydrated! This has been incredible for keeping me feeling my best! It also ensures that my body has the hydration it needs to create breast milk.

True Lemon Strawberry Lemonade Water Enhancer – DELICIOUS. We are obsessed with this in my house. Refreshing, low sugar, and helps me to drink way more water! Plus, it helps me to avoid sugary drinks, like soda, which have been a big pregnancy and postpartum craving.

Made Good Soft Baked Mini Cookies – these are easy to eat and are made with veggies and oats! Great for milk supply and delicious too!

Righteous Felon Beef Jerky – many postpartum snacks are sweet. Granola bars, oatmeal, lactation cookies, trail mixes, and more! I wanted something savory to add to my bedside cart! A snack that would fuel my body through pumping sessions and allow me to get in some protein between meals. The Baby Blues BBQ is sweet with a slight kick and the meat is tender! The best beef jerky around!

Postpartum Tools for Home
Frigidaire Portable Fridge – this is awesome if you’re pumping in the middle of the night. It can hold a bottle or two of milk and it keeps it perfectly cold! I store my milk here during the evening hours, so I don’t have to make multiple trips to my kitchen when I’m tired in the middle of the night!
Couch Cup Holder Tray – after spilling my drinks all over the couch while trying to balance breastfeeding and pumping, I knew I needed a solution. This gadget has made it easier for me to have drinks, snacks, and more at my fingertips while breastfeeding on the couch! It has all different compartments to hold different cups, bottles, and containers. Plus, a stand for your phone/tablet/e-reader too! It may seem silly, but this is one of my favorite postpartum products by far!
Must Haves List
Are you looking to shop the entire list all in one place? Check out the collection on my Amazon Storefront! Here, I have added all the products I’ve loved the most, and I add to it when I find something amazing, and new that aids in my postpartum healing!
Want more? Take a look at the articles on my website for more foodie and new mom content!